Love is Blind, so is Mark and here are some GIFs

I’m not a big reality TV buff – my one guilty pleasure is ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’. I’ve watched it for more than a decade – and the first couple of seasons still crack me up. So when everyone got on the ‘Love is Blind’ train, I was just like oh this is another ‘Love Island’ record and didn’t really give in. Then my PT, Devinder Bains convinced me that I should just watch 1 episode – while cycling in the gym.

So, there I sat, with one episode downloaded. And as I started – I cycled the entire episode without a break. And straight away, I went home and watched the second episode and the third and the fourth. Then I had to wait for a whole 4 days for the next episode. And I was hooked.

Obviously, like most people, I was shipping Lauren and Cameron; – SPOILERS – and was shocked when Barnett said ‘I do’; and not at all shocked when Jesssica didn’t. Although my mouth fell to the ground when I saw Gianina just speed off. That was brilliant, I would do that.

I would like to say I inspired many. I convinced friends, colleagues, family – everyone on my Love is Blind train. I found “like-minded” people watching the show – it obviously is starting to sound like a cult – but here’s a show that you didn’t know you needed.

For those who don’t know – it’s people – in an arranged marriage setting. No, no – I’m being very serious. You know how like in olden Indian times where you don’t get to see your fiance till you are actually engaged – I’d like to think that’s where they found the inspiration. So, basically it starts with 15 men and 15 women – all kind of speed dating – without seeing each other. They are in these pods – so they are essentially sitting on a couch and talking to a wall – that talks back. Nope, nothing cuckoo here.

Then, based on who you like – you “meet” them more often until like the dude proposes – at which point the girl says yes, unless you are Gianina (Gigi) – where you tell him ‘no’ and then propose him anyway. He should have run then – oh well.

So this happens, once they say yes – they finally meet each other. And then whisked away to Mexico for a “pre-honeymoon”. And then they live together in an apartment – with the speedy wedding basically in 4 weeks of getting engaged. Crazy, right? BUT – IT’S SO ENTERTAINING!

So, “inspired” and excited, the gifs are everywhere. And I had to my favourites that I’m already making very good use of.

Gianina running away – and then falling.

JK, I’m not running away from men – I’m so single it hurt!

No, not all memes are Gigi.

Anytime some says something gossipy!

Talking about that girl hitting on my friend’s boy – “bitch you shiesty”!

Yeah, okay – so they are all Gigi.

Me – when I saw Jessica (in the gif) give her dog a sip of wine and then continue drinking from the same glass…

Simpson’s version of hiding in the leaves…

After an evening out…

Realizing that maybe this didn’t need to be an article, but its too late for that…