Dubai’s Newest Sanctuary of Wellness

A well-kept secret, Desert Palm Dubai is only 20 minutes from Dubai’s urban heart. Located on an extensive polo estate, the resort is nestled amidst lush polo fields. An oasis of calm, this sumptuously and discreetly luxurious retreat is a hidden world with cosy private pool villas, chic spaces for culinary refinement and spa indulgences surrounded by vast green landscapes, rare birds and endless sunshine.

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A sanctuary of wellness and serenity only a short journey away from the city, Samāna Spa provides the perfect escape to unwind and recuperate. Born from Sanskrit, Samāna means calming or soothing. We want you to be able to escape from the pollutants of the world to a place that will leave you feeling revitalised and renewed through carefully selected products and curated treatments.

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Begin your journey of restoration with our Experience Guides and Gurus who will help you explore our apothecary styled homoeopathic Aromatherapy Bar available only at Samāna Spa.

Since 1974, Tisserand UK has been carefully harvesting wild ingredients to produce pure organic essential oils. From a range of over 40 essential oils, we have carefully selected 20 essential oils with blends to aid you to relax, restore, rejuvenate and ready to tackle the world.

“Aromatherapy is a caring, hands-on therapy which seeks to induce relaxation, to increase energy, to reduce the effects of stress and to restore lost balance to mind, body and soul – Robert Tisserand” 

Guests can not only immerse in the latest spa therapies designed to stimulate the senses and indulge in the ancient practice of combining aromatherapy and massage for the perfect treatment but can also choose from unique aromatherapy blends or their own bespoke combination of essential oils to suit individual needs. With a selection of nourishing oils that absorb into the skin and penetrate deeply into the body tissue, guests will feel the positive effect on the mind, body and spirit to enhance emotional well-being.

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