Travel: Summer’s Beauty Necessities!

Summer’s already here in Dubai, and it only means one thing- it’s travel time! Whenever I am packing my bags, I always look at the weather to decide on what clothes and shoes to keep. But, the weather condition also kinda guides me on what skin and hair care products I might need there. So, if you’re traveling somewhere like Dubai this summer (Although honestly, it’s scorching heat where you can’t exactly be walking outside and enjoying the many pleasantries in Dubai!), there’s a bunch of things I suggest you carry:

  1. Sunscreen lotion
    Swatiness_Travel-Netrogena Ultra Sheer Sunblock.jpg

    It’s so hot and sunny, and you wouldn’t like your tanned skin when it is peeling and painful! I’ve been using the Neutrogena Ultra Sheer (SPF 50) Sunscreen since forever and it’s one of my favourites. It’s super light and super effective!
  2. Lip Balm
    Swatiness_Travel-Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrubswatiness_travel-nuxe-reve-de-miel-e1495804668205.jpgThose chapped lips aren’t gonna fix themselves. If you can, carry a lip scrub! The Lush Bubblegum lip scrub is one for the keeps! The Nuxe lip balm is also always in my travel case!
  3. Hair ties!
    Swatiness_Travel-Invisi Bobble
    I am literally never without additional hair ties. I first bought the Invisibobble hair ties at the train station in St. Petersburg and to say I’m obsessed with them in an understatement. They are the nicest hair ties ever. Especially for travelling because they don’t leave any kind of impressions on your hair. The number of times I’ve whipped my hair back and forth for a selfie is crazy!
  4. Tangle Teezer
    swatiness_travel-tangle-teezer.jpgI don’t think you should buy it just for travel- but mostly because it is the most brilliant invention ever. Never before have I used a brush which detangled my hair so easily (and painlessly) in one go. Also bought this baby at the St. Petersburg train station and it turned out to be one of the best buys ever. It’s always in my purse- wherever I am.
  5. Face Wipes
    Swatiness_Travel-Look, it’s simple. If you’re travelling- you are going to need these. I’ve tried several, and I always keep coming back to Neutrogena makeup remover wipes. They’re perfect and have kinda ruined me even when it comes to day-to-day cleaning. They are very effective and not only make up but the face’s impurities.
  6. Moisturiser
    Swatiness_Travel-Lush Dream Cream Body LotionThe travel always takes a toll on my skin- face and body. The flight makes it dry and patchy. I always carry like a tiny scoop in my purse (the allowed amount!) and a slightly bigger version in my suitcase.
    For face, honestly, you should use whatever suits your skin best- based on the type of skin you’ve got. I’m not a beauty expert, so I can’t even begin to explain you why you should use a certain cream. 
    For your hands and body, I can make a recommendation. The Lush Dream Cream is a dream for the body. I usually put a scoop just before I crash and wake up with smoother, hydrated skin. Another one to use is the Lush Pot (Lush Charity Pot), but its not available right now at the Lush stores.
  7. Washing stuff: Facial Cleanser, Shampoo and Conditioner
    Even if I know I’m staying at the fanciest hotels, I still prefer to carry my own wash stuff. Now, again, I’m not going to make a recommendation for this one- because you know your face, scalp and hair needs better. And I’m not a beauty expert to make a suggestion. What I can suggest is- I buy tinnier empty bottles, usually from Daiso or Carrefour and transfer my necessities into those. It’s easier to carry, and you only put it the amount you actually will use.
  8. Toner Spray
    swatiness_travel-caudalie-grape-water.pngThis is a fairly new addition in my travel bags- but one I savour. It just refreshes and tones your skin. You can even spray it on your hair to make them look refreshed and happy. I’ve tried several- but my favourite is the Caudalie Grape Water- mostly because it’s soft and smells delicious! Again- please choose another one if you’ve got super sensitive skin!!