Shopping: Contemporary Cotton Dresses from Indian-Based Brands

Summer clothing very easily translated into colourful cotton dresses that have the perfect flow and ease the pain of (not) putting on trousers. Especially when it comes to work wear (and let me remind you, I live in Dubai where it’s at least 40* Celsius), there is nothing more I love than just putting on an easily fitted dress that is soft, comfortable and looks nice.

Since you don’t know me too well, and I’d like really like you to, I’m a shopaholic – I can shop in stores and online – you know how everyone has that one friend who is exactly like the lead of Confession of a Shopaholic? I’m literally that friend for all my friends. But, that’s a whole other post and coming back to the point, I started researching and well, shopping.

I stumbled upon these incredible Indian brands that do amazing contemporary summer dresses that look good and make you feel good.

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