Beach Bag: What to put in there!

I was thinking, and while most of my plans to the beach are super imprompt, I keep forgetting what to really take with me. So, I thought, why not make a little check-list for beach days!

Beach Tote: this is where a good beach day resides. Not by the beach, but by this. This is where everything goes!

Sunglasses: it’ll be sunny, don’t question it- just keep it.

Hat: And you know a hat to keep you safe from the sun- even if you’re planning to tan. You wouldn’t want to be with a headache and be the only one missing post-beach drinks!

Swim-wear: Often, when unplanned- this is what I actually forget to carry to the beach. I’m not even kidding. So, this is definitely one for this list!

Sandals!: You can carry all the chappals you want, but this little baby will transform you from beach day to post-beach night drinks wear 😉

Beach Towel/mat: This is where you plop your bum down and pretend to be enjoying the sun.

Good reads: This is what actually helps you through the beach day. I NEVER forget a book when I go to the beach. I’ve forgotten beach towels, swimwear, extra pair of shoes, even sunscreen- but, I’ve never been without a book!

Cover up: A quick cover-up that you can throw over your swim wear is always required! Especially, if you live in Dubai!

A quick change of clothes: I always carry a quick dress or shorts and tee so I can be ready to go somewhere else, which is always the case.

Sunscreen: Let me break it to you- in Dubai, you must always, always have, wear and carry sunscreen. Fin

Hairties and anklets: Because I like carrying colourful things! Haha