Don't hold your breath

When working out, we often get breathless, and tend to breathe from our mouth to makeup for the oxygen we are losing. But, while practising Bikram Yoga you aren’t supposed to breathe from your mouth. You are supposed to only breathe from your nose throughout the workout. Only in the beginning and end you use your mouth.

After doing bikram for months at end, I trained myself to not breath from my mouth when I’m in a posture. Other workouts, don’t work that way. So, my PT is constantly (for the past 3 years) reminding me to “keep breathing.” I’m still learning and reminding myself – don’t hold my breath.

In the world of metaphors (and over-thinkers), the term don’t hold my breath literally means to tell someone that an event isn’t going to happen.

In an endless loop, I had a realization (am I sitting by the window, talking in a Carrie Bradshaw voice? Possibly), that this meant more than just me trying to unlearn bikram yoga breathing. You see, I’m a dreamer, I am constantly scouting for hope and spend most of my optimistic self and time – holding my breath waiting for something that is likely to never happen.

I am not ashamed of hoping and looking for the rainbow, I would think of that as my virtue. I am always hopeful, but it’s my own expectations of everything else – not just necessarily me – that sets me up for disappointment. I wouldn’t want to settle for less than, but I shouldn’t be setting myself up for unnecessary breath holding and tension in my shoulders – and heart.

There is a need – nah, necessity – to constantly remind myself to breathe. To contain my expectations to myself – and to deliver on them, so I let go with a long exhale.

Fashion’s ‘IT’ Instagram Girls You Must Follow

From the days we were posting really hazy pictures of cupcakes with a million filters, to going the extra step to find the “perfect” aesthetic and colour scheme – I think you would agree Instagram as we perceive it has changed. With the rise (and retail) of Instagram posts and influencers – its become a VIP pass – to get us access to the best fashion shows, parties, behind-the-scenes and most importantly on what to wear.

But, while that is the basic, it is often difficult to identify who to follow and who to believe. And while fashion is about personal sense of style, a little inspiration goes a long way. In the simplest of words, in today world, where we are influenced easily (pun-intended).

We’ve pulled some our favourite fashion girls from all over the world who you should definitely be following – whether it’s for their personal IG stories, the ‘aspiration’ privileged access to the best designers or obviously, their fashion sense.

Chiara Ferragni (@chiaraferragni)

The name sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Chiara is an Italian blogger, designer and entrepreneur. She’s known for her blog and book, ‘The Blonde Salad’. Her wedding was exclusively covered by Vogue just last year and she wore the most beautiful wedding dress by Dior. She lives this stunning aspiration life – the hands-on fun mom, super hot, probably on caller ID for brands including Dior, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and LOEWE. I mean, she’s even for her own Barbie Doll version of herself that Mattel created!

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My Milano 💘

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Camilla Coelho (@camilacoelho)

A large following on both Instagram and Youtube, it’s fair game to say Camila holds some influencer in the world of Fashion. Well, that and the fact she just launched her own fashion line with the giant e-retailer, Revolve. Playing with colours and presenting a take on the happiest chic, she isn’t one you want to miss.

Aimee Song (aimeesong)

I’ve been following ‘Song of Style’ for as long as I can remember it. She talks about fashion, jewellery, Interior design and boasts of just the most aesthetic feed. She’s got her own jewelry line and recently launched her own clothing brand named after her blog – Song of Style. In true Californian vibe, whether its her travel posts or the play of colour – she always remains chic.

Susie Lau (@susiebubble)

London-based Susie, one of the original fashion bloggers has been secretly playing out the modus operandi on fashion. She has always been a leading voice in spotlighting young and unknown new designers. Follow her for her writing, her fashion and her fun ensembles.

Pernille Teisbaek (@pernilleteisbaek)

Scandinavians are known for their clean aesthetic and taste – imagine getting this right in the mix of fashion – a hard job, but one that Pernille makes it look like its easy. She combines classic and informal silhouettes – from the smallest tweaks to the latest fads – all while waving her flag for sustainability in fashion.

Leandra Medine – (@ManRepeller)

The fiercly funny New Yorker behind one of my favourite blogs – Man Repeller, Leandra deserves her special mention. Keeping it light, her ironic fashion-addict asides and comical conversations while shopping – and the way she does her story telling – its an intellectual’s art.

Karen Wazen Bakhazi

A familiar name in the region, Karen and her family have quickly become everyone’s favourites. Adding her two cents to the world of fashion – whether it’s through launching her new eye wear line, sitting front row in every show or dancing at her happiest with her kids (obviously wearing something you’d want to buy, probably right away). She keeps it real and happy – which makes it easy to find a connect.

Masoom Minawala, Style Fiesta

If you’ve been reading my fashion stories for Masala, you’ll see her mentioned often – its mostly because she is stunning. Petite and Indian – which makes an easy connect, she keeps the perfect mix of fun everyday inspirations and of course, Indian wear that would be the envy of many (if not all).

The Beige Aesthetic

I don’t know about you, but I love collecting aesthetically similar pictures in different folders and mood boards. It helps me find inspiration to connect them in a chain (apart from their colour similarity) and to create a story.

So, this Wednesday afternoon, I was staring out the window and saw all this sand (obvious, because I live in the desert {Dubai}). Following which, I started looking up all these beige aesthetics and they were so pretty – that I had to share!


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What are some ‘natural’ beauty brands?

Why is it that often with a skincare regime, when an acne breakout happens our immediate response is something out of our grandma’s books – which is more often than not something very simple, basic and natural? Till date, I trust in the powers of this ancient Indian moisturizer called ‘Vicco Turmeric’, most of it because it smells like my grandma.

This transition of moving to things that are more organic, refined and natural has been gradually gaining immense popularity, whether it’s our food, skincare and, even, makeup.  Detoxing has come a long way from just green juices, with people looking at detoxing their beauty cabinets and makeup bags.

Most natural beauty brands produce tinted lip balms, muddy eyeshadows, and even the occasional diminishing blush. We understand that it isn’t easy to find green beauty brands that produce vivid colours and formulas that could really work. Helping you along with your research, we have gathered a few out of favourite brands that use either all-organic ingredients or use a combination of natural and organic ingredients.  It is what they don’t use that counts: unnecessary chemicals, parabens, additives, etc.

A few products that we recommend:

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‘Uncover Up’ Foundations by RMS Beauty

They might not have as many foundations as Fenty Beauty, but all their 8 varied shades of foundation help in enhancing your skin. The formulas make for a flawless looking skin, but with sheer coverage.


Strike That Lipstick by Ilia Beauty

Lipsticks by ILIA Beauty

The brand’s ideology of simplicity and transparency is visible through their products. They use high-quality ingredients sourced from organic farmers around the world. Their lipsticks are probably the most popular of the range. The brand is popular for the organic classic true red. The formula just melts into your lips and builds a beautiful satin finish with a creamy texture.

Pure Pressed Blush - Jane Iredale

Pure Pressed Blush by Jane Iredale

Committed to enhancing beauty through natural products that nurture your skin, Jane Iredale’s blushes add as a supplement for healthy skin. There isn’t just one or two, but a whole of 11 colours to choose from! The colours stay on your cheek and add a colour of natural glow that complements the skin.

Emotional Brilliance by LushEyeliners and Eyeshadows from Lush Cosmetics

Lush has been the pioneer of natural products, so it was quite pleasing when they expanded into makeup. They’ve got a huge selection of eyeliners and eyeshadows to pick from. The colours are very pigmented and vivid and make great additions to the make-up bag.


Mascara Super Volume by The Body ShopMascaras by The Body Shop

Mascaras can be where most beauty brands might fail to deliver. But with at least 7 types of mascaras to select from, you can add a little definition to your lashes, whether it’s dramatic or vintage.


Written originally for Masala! Magazine (February 2018)

Birthday Registry: Things I want

I love my birthday, and why anyone who does not appreciate their day of birth is totally bizarre to me.


As a kid, I’d have a pretty regular birthday list; the latest Barbie doll, possibly with the Kelly or Ken doll, lots of doll clothes, and Swati clothes, some cool accessories,  chocolates – and a mandatory Swati Birthday party. I’m trying to think of a year I didn’t have a birthday party – and I can’t. Every year was something. But that’s me, I love my birthday and I wait for it literally the whole year. My countdown begins a day after my birthday, if not on it.

And since birthdays are synonymous with presents, I was wondering what I wanted to gift myself this birthday. I’m already travelling to Disneyland for my birthday- which is really the best of presents you can get yourself!

But, it also got me thinking if I had a registry, what would I want? Stick with me here, I’m about to sound “super mature” (I know, not many adults will actually use the word super mature).

  1. Learning to live in the moment: I know how it isn’t necessary to documenting everything online, and yet I find myself doing it – and for whom? I end up missing the fireworks while I’m taking a video for god-knows-who! I’d like to teach myself to live more in the moment. Not every sunset needs a picture – a mental one, however, might be mandatory. giphy (2)
  2. Enjoy more sunsets: Make more time to find me by the beach during sunset, i.e. my happy place.
  3. Being okay with people who don’t like me: I don’t take rejection very easily, and I really am not a fan of people not liking me. Not blowing on my trumpet, but I’m rather easy going and I’ve always ended up making friends easily. But, I need to remind myself that there will always be people who don’t like me, and it isn’t necessarily my fault or problem.
  4. To stop wishing to change things that can’t be changed. There will be a lot that I can change, and I will – but there will be something that I can’t do giphy (3).gifanything to change, and that is okay.
  5. To stop saying ‘sorry’ for everything: Learning the difference between actually being ‘sorry’ for when I’m wrong and just saying ‘sorry’ because I have been conditioned to apologize.
  6. Remembering that I’m not obliged to putting myself down just to make somebody else happier or more comfortable.
  7. Listen to my gut: I’ve got a pretty strong gut feeling thing (mechanism? Not sure what to call it!) and I’ve got to follow it more.
  8. Not let little things make me anxious: I’m very easily freaked out, and as I’m turning 25, that is something I’d really like to reward myself – to not let the little things make me so anxious and jumpy.
  9. Not taking myself so seriously: Remembering that not every emotion and every feeling needs to be analyzed, sometimes (especially when there is no gut feeling involved) let the fleeting feeling be just that – fleeting.
  10. Make more time for my best friends: Yes, they are there. Yes, we are all busy. But, no, that doesn’t mean you don’t make the effort to not check up on them really often especially when they live so far away.
  11. The ability to say ‘no’: ‘No’ could be a complete sentence. Sometimes.


Confessions (of some kind) of a Clothes Hoarder

Imagine it is a cold, windy day, and you are walking around the stores and then suddenly you see something on one of the store windows that calls your name. You look at that item of clothing – I’m not going to get too specific here- and you know it belongs in your wardrobe. You go in, and ‘click-click’, ‘swiiish’ and a very mental ‘kachiiiiing’ later, it’s yours. Packed in a bag, sometimes wrapped in tissue, that item is yours. Sounds exactly like the first scene of Confessions of a Shopaholic? Well, welcome to my life.

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‘The Confessions of Shopaholic Swati‘ will be saved for another time, but today, we discuss a very dire problem at hand – my out of control habit of hoarding clothes that are absolutely unnecessary, completely out of style and don’t even fit me properly. In many normal cases, this wouldn’t be a problem, but here- I’m a shopaholic who continues to buy clothes, likes not to get rid of the things she already has, therefore, continues to dig herself a larger hole to fall into with her clothes.

You would think that writing this post would make me realize that I have a problem and probably do something about it, like – I don’t know, clear my closet out? I am sincerely hoping for a similar outcome.

In this day and age, everyone tends to clean out their wardrobes, donate to the poor and wear out what they own. This way, every year, if not every season, most (normal) people tend to get rid of what they haven’t worn in a while. giphyI’ve often tried to do the same- and with a lot of determination, but most of the time, I’ve gotten rid of maybe 5, at most 9 things – which were mostly clothes that were getting too hole-y for my benefit. And for me to get rid of that many things in a single sitting is a lot.

I guess that would have been fine had I been wearing them alternatively, but there are a some that just sit in a huge lot- taking up space and never being touched – except when I’m cleaning my closet (which is a full day task, btw) and they need to be refolded and colour coded.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a very serious mental debate over and over again about this. And the only sound reasoning (I use the term ‘sound reasoning’ very loosely in this sense) that I could probably relate to was that I get emotionally to attached to my clothes.

Have you seen the episode from The Middle (Season 2, Episode 18) where the Hecks are spring cleaning, and there is a broken set of hair curlers that Sue owns but refuses to throw them because (gulp) they might have had feelings? Now, I not saying my clothes have feelings, but I bought them with so much feeling and love that I really, really don’t want to part with them – nevermind the fact that they still have their tag on and I only bought them because the salesgirl was too nice or too mean.

I have a friend, Nicole who is a stylist and a fellow shopaholic. I don’t even need to prove the fact that she for sure shops more than I do. But, as a rule, she always clears out (donate what she doesn’t need or wear) her closet every season. And recommends doing the same.


Would you do it? Would you throw away the clothes you handpicked with a lot of love? Do you get emotionally attached to your clothes? Do you have nothing to wear? Tell me I’m not alone…

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‘Suraj Hua Maddham’ and Some Revelations

As every new year begins, everyone has new resolutions. My resolutions aren’t dependent on the new year, but rather on how far away my birthday is (February 23rd). I get into the full swing to get working on my birthday body roughly about in September/October.

In the gist of that, as Taylor Swift dropped her new album in November 2017, you cannot possibly imagine my excitement to go running listening to the album. It’s my jam. So, come January 2nd, I’m still running, still listening to Reputation. And just as my pace starts to differ and slow down, ‘Dress‘ comes on. It HAS to be the sexiest song on the album.

To recap, my exact emotions when I first heard the song were:



This is a very, very sexy song. With an emotional touch. I am at a serious loss for words. I feel like this should be in 50 Shades of Grey.

“All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting.”

giphy (1)As the lyrics mooned on, with all the “ah-ah-ah-aaaaahs”, it got me thinking – this song obviously makes me feel a lot of things. Things that another PR girl (read: Samantha Jones from SATC) will proudly raise a toast to. But, while this does make me “feel” a lot, there are more songs that probably have the same effect.

Taking my thought process as a freaky clue, ‘Suraj Hua Maddham’ from Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham starts to play, making me blush to my cheeks and thanking my stars for it being dark on my track.

It was the year 2001, and I was 8 years old (if you are doing the math, I’m 24 for another month and 21 days), when I first heard/saw the song. And since then, it’s been my ultimate love song. Till date, if I hear the song, I automatically start to blush. In that Egyptian backdrop with those plain effortless sarees and Shah Rukh Khan’s lusty looks, I had my “awakening”.


As a vain kid who didn’t know what sex was, I assumed, when people went on honeymoon – mostly in Switzerland or Egypt, they danced and ran to each other in slow motions and BAM, that was it. I was proven very, very wrong at 12 when I read my first ever Jude Deveraux. But, that’s a story for another time.

So today evening, as I walked back home, blushing pink with a huge cheeky smile plastered on my face from just listening to two songs, it occurred to be – I can’t be the only one who has a few songs like these – the kind that would make one blush in a busy room.

I can’t, right? 


Where I’d Rather Be: St Regis Maldives

One of the world’s most coveted destinations, St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort seems to be a tropical haven.

Like many resort properties in the Maldives, St. Regis, features island and outwater villa accommodations. Located on the 22-acre Vommuli Island, the report incorporates aspects of contemporary architecture and interior with Maldivian traditions, marine life and culture.

The overwater villas resemble a manta ray while the beach villas were designed as a modern interpretation of fishing huts. The interior design reflects the textures and patterns found on the island including a coral chandelier, headboards made of recycled glass beads and sofa fabric that replicates ripples of water.

The resort’s sunset bar reflects the shape of the whale shark. Inside, a mural etched into the wooden ceiling using a traditional Maldivian art form known as pyrography. It tells the story of the owner and his son who built a resort on Vommuli Island to celebrate its natural beauty.

The library lounge is sculpted in the spiral shape of a seashell shell and the carpets are inspired by the waves of the lagoon.

Iridium Spa and its Blue Hole Pool

The overwater Iridium spa is famous for its Blue Hole Pool that replicates the deep sink holes sometimes found in reefs. The most expansive hydrotherapy pool, which is located on the sheltered terrace and commands picturesque ocean vistas.

Swim with Mantra Rays and Dolphins. Create an unforgettable experience on one of the resort’s excursions where guests will get up close and personal to the underwater wildlife, photograph the colourful corals and admire the rich marine life of Vommuli Island.

Women’s Bp. Zandra Beaded V-Strap Sandal • BP • $59.95

Roberto Cavalli 55MM Round Mirrored Metal Sunglasses • Roberto Cavalli • $395

Quay After Hours Sunglasses • Quay • $38.50

Chloe Carlina Round Wire Metal Sunglasses • Chloé • $396

Melissa Odabash Classic Pareo • Melissa Odabash • $110

9seed Tulum Cover Up • 9seed • $136

Halter Tie One-Piece • Diane von Furstenberg • $137–228

Solid and Striped – The Anne-marie Striped Swimsuit – Light blue • $119

Kimchi Blue Riley High-Rise Brief • Kimchi & Blue • $19.99

BOWER Dream Baby One Piece • $135


Enjoy a Winter Wonderland in Geneva

Geneva was voted Europe’s leading city break, dubbed as a shopping paradise, is one of the world’s safest cities, and is a favourite among Gulf travellers during the summer. Yet to be discovered this winter season, Geneva transforms into a winter wonderland.Beau-Rivage Genève, Duplexes View

Taking advantage of its lakefront location, experienced Clefs d’Or and unrivalled 150-year-old reputation, there is no better way to soak in what the city has to offer than by staying at the oldest hotel in Geneva, Beau-Rivage.

Here are some of the activities that are sure to enrich every discerning traveller’s experience:

  • When booking a room in the city, visitors receive a free perk with a “Geneva Transport Card“, allowing them to use Geneva’s public transportation for the entire duration of their stays. The seasoned staff of Beau-Rivage will provide their visitors with a city exploration guide and the free transport card upon request.518 salon
  • Mountain lovers can go all the way to Mont-Salève, the French side of the city, using their card, as it’s just a few bus stops from Beau-Rivage. An ideal spot for sports fanatics where they can choose to go hiking, paragliding and even cross-country skiing.
  • Admire the magnificent view of Geneva and its surroundings from the Salève cable car.
  • The award-winning Clefs d’Or of Beau-Rivage can arrange a scenic boat tour on the lake, organise a luxurious vehicle to take the travellers on a day-journey to discover the most spectacular villages for a grape-tasting experience or even Duplex Romy Schneider - viewhave a unique drive on the lonely forest roads leading to the summit of La Barillette.
  • Travellers can explore the open-air history of the region. The English Garden is just a few steps from the hotel, and there lies the famous Flower Clock and National Monument. Its paths are the perfect place for an idyllic stroll in the centre of the city where in winter it’s laden with Swiss food stalls and tasty treats.
  • A few steps up from the old town is the Vieille-Ville, the largest historic town in Switzerland, dominated by St. Peter’s Cathedral, the symbolic location of the Reformation.with creative, modern fare from chef Dominique Gauthier.

With these recommendations of things to visit, the scenic, historic and serene city of Geneva is a must-visit destination in the winter. Nestled between white mountain peaks and a crystal-clear lake, the Swiss city is ideal for all seasons, as each brings with it attractions that will sure to make any getaway a memorable one.


Are you Vain about your Vanity (bags)?

It often happens that when I’m packing, whether it’s for travel, work, or a regular day, I always leave my trusty vanity bag for the last. In my head, I’m always thinking, pack all the big stuff, or get ready first and then you could just throw all these things together and rush out the door.

And needless to confirm, every time I’ve done that, I’ve always forgotten something necessary. Take today morning, for instance, I took out my trust Tangle Teezer from my makeup bag, brushed my hair and thinking if I put it right there on there on my dressing table, I’ll put in the bag after I’ve packed my laptop and the charger. And what happened? I left my brush at home, only to remember when I got to work and to brush my hair before a meeting. The hair tie came in handy as I managed a “purposely” messy bun.

There are several occasions where we forget to pack the little things, even if it’s not going to be a rainy day (pun-intended if you’re thinking I definitely sound like the kind who forgets her umbrella as she’s packing for Mumbai’s monsoon).

Different occasions will call different requirements, your everyday vanity won’t be ideal if you’re travelling or spending the day at the beach. Here are my recommendations on things you’ll need.

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Happiness Collides

Happiness collides,
With a little sorrow and mumbling lies.
Knew you from a time before,
Knew enough, to know you more.
You continue looking,
Straight into my eyes.
Talking in another language,
I couldn’t confide.

I still remember the softness
Of your beautiful eyes.
I miss the way you looked at me,
And how you made me smile.
All those pretty flowers,
On the day things went bad.
I also remember the day,
You left me, sad.

There’s this happiness,
And an old melancholy.
It’s like from another time,
We knew and when we met.
Formality and manners,
Greetings and words.
What have we come to-
From lovers to this?

I hug you tight,
And you hold me close.
We don’t talk of the past,
Just smile at us.
I still feel the fireworks,
The little, that are left.
I still feel the happiness,
And the sorrow, that we fell.

I cannot understand what this is,
What this meeting meant.
I have nothing bad to swear,
Only good feelings to bear.
So, one thing went wrong,
And it was a big blunder.
But, what we had,
I’d cherish forever.

Write Away

So, I have a friend who doesn’t think her writing is good enough. And another friend who thinks her writing isn’t good enough And another friend… well, you get the point. So, the purpose of this post is how to make you realise that your writing is less shitty than you think it is (because I have just been called a chill advice dispenser, and I take my duties seriously). Make sure you’ve got the ingredients right, and don’t be too harsh on yourself!
See, practising writing all genres is extremely important. There is always room for improvement when you write, and if there are nitty-gritties in your writing that bother you, you can always resolve them through practice.
I have friends who believe that practising writing engenders talent. I disagree. I feel like we’re all formed from our experiences and our writing styles reflect that. Some people are more comfortable writing humour, some are more inclined to write murder mysteries, some can write funny murder mysteries. Through practice, you need to figure out what your genre is (or are, if you have multiple genres that you can write).


The genre you feel might not always correspond to what you’re interested in. For example, I am interested in psychological thrillers but I can’t write them–they’re not my genre. On the other hand, Indian marriage scene is not something I’m interested in, but I can write it well enough (I guess). So yeah, you need to find a way to reconcile what you’re interested in and the genre(s) you can write.

Writing is not always a thing you can do at will. It’s like food–if you force it too much, it comes out like crap. While I believe that writing is something that you have to work for, I also believe that there are moments of inspiration that you have that ease the process of writing (in the food metaphor, these moments of inspiration are like water).

Strengthen your plot-making skills, characterization, descriptions, etc. to feel better about your writing.


This will only make your writing better, even if your pride takes a thrashing. It hurts (a lot), but it helps you grow.

Happy writing!
(Also, if you guys want me to look over your writing, just message the page on Facebook!)