Carrie Bradshaw – New Quarantine Muse?

I always thought I was a Charlotte – despite my career is basically what Samantha does – I was convinced between the either – at least I wasn’t a Miranda. Maybe a Carrie – since I do like to write, especially when I’m sitting by my window, staring out and writing.

But this whole quarantine situation seems to have thrown everything in the gutter. After living in my rotating set of PJs for three weeks straight, I’m starting to really get bored and want to dress up – even if it’s for myself and my parents. And while I’m still doing the work that Samantha does (professionally, not you know what she mostly did on the show), I’m looking at fashion’s late 90s muse – Carrie Bradshaw on the secrets of quarantine dressing.

Carrie was a risk-taker when it came to her outfits – she dared combinations I still wouldn’t exactly wear – but as a freelance writer working from her Upper East Side apartment, she was often at home in from of her MacBook – and dressed to the toe. While her problems revolved around what to wear to brunch and when would Big come around and not social distancing and self-quarantine, there is still inspiration to be found in her wardrobe.  

With very little casual moments in everything that Carrie wore – even if it was for a grocery run or sitting down by the window to write her column. In an effort to find some joy in the new normal – here’s to embracing dressing up like Carrie.

For the Balcony:

While it’s no Parisian balcony with the Eiffel Tower in view, it’s a balcony – in the wild outdoors. Mix it up, put on a dress, maybe colour – and brush that beautiful mane.

For the Kitchen:

Bring out the checkered-shirts that you haven’t worn, matched unmatched PJs or add a pair of red heels to the outfit to make the drinking, I mean – cooking more fun!

For the Virtual Dinners in the living room:

Adding a little effort – maybe breaking in the big gowns, something with glitter, poofy sleeves, a giant flower broach or a tutu-skirt number for the surprise virtual dancing!

For the grocery runs:

Sure it might not be Manolo-s that you are going out for, but the grocery run every other day – could be the time to shine. Even elevate the simple capri and loose top with a pair of heels and a bandana. Bring out the pattern on pattern and the shiny belts you saved for some reason!

For the working out or athe-leisure dressing:

For someone who looked the way she did, Carrie didn’t do a lot of working out. So off-shoulder sweat shirt with pearls and mascara it is.

For the work video conferences:

I have seen those unfortunate videos of toilet sitting and no-pants *cringe* so, make a little desk – perhaps by the window. Add in a (faux) fur jacket, a headband or a bandana, a pearl necklace or just a cozy knit – add the chic in conferences that could be an email.

Why I love ‘Jane the Virgin’ and you should too!

Our story begins about 5 and a half years ago, when I was stumbled upon the trailer of a show called ‘Jane the Virgin’. The title was enough to entice me and the opening trailer had me in giggles, intrigue and mystery – right away it went on my list.

Fast forward to today, the final season is dropping on Netflix this weekend and while I already watched as every episode dropped – I am ready to binge again! So, if you haven’t gotten on the Jane-parade – I’m here to convince you to start! We are at home, with nowhere to go – when can be better?

It’s a telenovela – which is basically a tv-show with a limited-run time and done in a typical Latin-American fashion. Meaning it’s dramatic, it’s surprising, it’s intriguing, its… its… its ADDICTIVE!

So, we begin with Jane. I mean, after all, the show is named after her. Jane is a virgin – who gets accidentally artificially inseminated by Rafael’s sperm by Rafael’s sister, Luisa instead of Rafael’s wife Petra. But, Jane is dating the cop Michael – who is looking into the murder of Rafael’s best friend’s murder – the same guy that Petra is having an affair with. Confused? Unconvinced? Okay, I will just list out reasons so you can start watching.


Jane is super relatable as a character – she’s not dangerously attractive that makes you wonder if you can ever relate. She’s cute – she’s your girl-next-door. She’s intelligent, charming, trustworthy, super competitive – all the qualities that make her so real.

Her obsession with grilled cheese sandwiches, her very real confusion between one extremely hot baby daddy and one kind of cute cop fiance or when she’s trying not to take sides between her mom and Abuela. She has her flaws too – especially when she’s about to get really angry. Oh, and did I mention she’s a pregnant virgin? That’s basically what the show is mostly about.

The Hot Men

I’ll be honest, quite a significant part of why I watch the show is because of the men on the show. Adding in the romance and mystery, there are three essential dreamboats that you need to know about – Rafael (Jane’s baby daddy) , Rogelio (Jane’s daddy) and Michael (Jane’s boyfriend/fiancé). If you are wondering, I’m on #TeamRafael all the way.

My favourite person on the show is The Narrator – better known as the Latin Love Narrator. Never before have I seen a show where the narrator had such an important role – his snide remarks, comments fit in seamlessly in every scene – collecting not only his thoughts, the characters’ thoughts but also the viewers!

Which brings me to –

Rafael Solano

I can’t be objective about this – it is what it is. I love Rafael. I wanted Jane to be with Rafael from the very moment they first kisses – five years before the show’s timeline – she should have always chosen Rafael. I am not sure what it was – the shirtless scenes, the sensitive side, the love he has for Jane and the kids or the way he always wanted the best for her – even if it was his expense – emotionally, mentally, economically.

While Jane was always the heroine we knew she is, Rafael’s character grew by the episode. From being the rich playboy to the joyous baby daddy to the man in love complete with the grand romantic gestures – there’s nothing you will not love about being on Team Rafael.

No Dull Moments!

Whether it’s Jane’s birthday with her mum Xiomara dancing seductively, or her favourite TV star turning out to be her dad or the fact that Rose wasn’t who she was or Petra had a twin. To say that the show is dramatic – is but of an understatement. On Jane the Virgin – there are no dull moments.

And while our dear Latin Lover Narrator adds a lot of intrinsic drama to the already dramatic scenes – Jane the Virgin has very unexpected cliff hangers – that aren’t just there for the sake of being dramatic. (I feel like this paragraph can be a drinking game for the word Drama).

There’s twists and turns and threats – that in on way or another affect and complicate every single character’s life. Some of the biggest arcs on the show that are often threatened and complicated are – Jane’s relationship with her mom, her ability to trust Rafael. It’s not just about #TeamRafael or #TeamJane – but conflicts that help the show grow more and kept me coming back on the edge of my seat episode after episode.

Relationships on the show

When it comes to relationships – they really did nail it. They showed all sides of all kinds of relationships – the mother-daughter relationship that Jane and her mom (Xiomara) have or the Xiomara and Abuela have or the one Petra has with hers. They are real, raw, messed up and just so entertaining for the most part. It sounds like a jumble as I’m saying it out loud – but the Latin Lover Narrator is really good at reminding/explaining/clearing out any doubts. My favourite relationship is the friendship of Jane and Petra – by the end of season 5 – that’s one of the relationships everyone ends up caring most about.

Rogelio and his DRAMATICNESS!

Gifs would be enough for him, honestly:

So, why don’t you join me and get on the Jane-parade!

For Granted

The luxury of having and acting on an opinion or any notion is all that makes a difference. In the current times, with the unrequited claim of choosing, we are stuck indoors, indefinitely. In any other scenario, sleeping for a couple of days and watching time actually slow down would have been ideal – had it been a choice.

Last night, as I started out my window watching the lightening shake the city and the rain pour down – realization of how for granted I’ve taken things deemed upon my mind. After what seemed an internal debate for an hour, my subconscious concluded that the luxury of having a choice makes all the difference, just as I drifted off to slumber.

The option of doing nothing as opposed to having a day full of things as opposed to something and some nothings, that is what made all the difference. Even if in my mind I wanted to enjoy the luxury of doing nothing. Today, I have that opportunity – but I can’t bring myself to take afternoon naps that I so fondly love, or stay up until 3 AM watching silly movies and shows. It isn’t an option anymore – it’s the reality I’m caught up in. Time is slowing down, maybe we should too?

I hope as we come out of this stillness (and hope that it’s soon), we realize the things we have taken for granted – fresh hair, toes full of sand, the smell of fresh flowers, the fireworks in the sky, favourite meals in that corner restaurant, a crowded concert and the noises of the daily that are now very low.

I hope we remember the activities we have partaken, hope our wardrobes remain organized, our bookshelves full of life and let the dust never settle – on the water paints and the brushes.

Don't hold your breath

When working out, we often get breathless, and tend to breathe from our mouth to makeup for the oxygen we are losing. But, while practising Bikram Yoga you aren’t supposed to breathe from your mouth. You are supposed to only breathe from your nose throughout the workout. Only in the beginning and end you use your mouth.

After doing bikram for months at end, I trained myself to not breath from my mouth when I’m in a posture. Other workouts, don’t work that way. So, my PT is constantly (for the past 3 years) reminding me to “keep breathing.” I’m still learning and reminding myself – don’t hold my breath.

In the world of metaphors (and over-thinkers), the term don’t hold my breath literally means to tell someone that an event isn’t going to happen.

In an endless loop, I had a realization (am I sitting by the window, talking in a Carrie Bradshaw voice? Possibly), that this meant more than just me trying to unlearn bikram yoga breathing. You see, I’m a dreamer, I am constantly scouting for hope and spend most of my optimistic self and time – holding my breath waiting for something that is likely to never happen.

I am not ashamed of hoping and looking for the rainbow, I would think of that as my virtue. I am always hopeful, but it’s my own expectations of everything else – not just necessarily me – that sets me up for disappointment. I wouldn’t want to settle for less than, but I shouldn’t be setting myself up for unnecessary breath holding and tension in my shoulders – and heart.

There is a need – nah, necessity – to constantly remind myself to breathe. To contain my expectations to myself – and to deliver on them, so I let go with a long exhale.