For Granted

The luxury of having and acting on an opinion or any notion is all that makes a difference. In the current times, with the unrequited claim of choosing, we are stuck indoors, indefinitely. In any other scenario, sleeping for a couple of days and watching time actually slow down would have been ideal – had it been a choice.

Last night, as I started out my window watching the lightening shake the city and the rain pour down – realization of how for granted I’ve taken things deemed upon my mind. After what seemed an internal debate for an hour, my subconscious concluded that the luxury of having a choice makes all the difference, just as I drifted off to slumber.

The option of doing nothing as opposed to having a day full of things as opposed to something and some nothings, that is what made all the difference. Even if in my mind I wanted to enjoy the luxury of doing nothing. Today, I have that opportunity – but I can’t bring myself to take afternoon naps that I so fondly love, or stay up until 3 AM watching silly movies and shows. It isn’t an option anymore – it’s the reality I’m caught up in. Time is slowing down, maybe we should too?

I hope as we come out of this stillness (and hope that it’s soon), we realize the things we have taken for granted – fresh hair, toes full of sand, the smell of fresh flowers, the fireworks in the sky, favourite meals in that corner restaurant, a crowded concert and the noises of the daily that are now very low.

I hope we remember the activities we have partaken, hope our wardrobes remain organized, our bookshelves full of life and let the dust never settle – on the water paints and the brushes.