Instagrammable Home-Office Spaces from Pinterest

Every time that I sit on my desk at home, I gloat over the fact that it looks so organized- at least for the first 15 minutes I’m sitting there. Then it becomes a giant mess of a lot of things. And in the chaos of cleaning and organizing, I end up on pinterest- ALMOST EVERY SINGLE TIME.

So I put together a bunch of desk inspirations that are my favorite desk ideas- at least for today! Which ones your favorite out of the bunch below?

Statement Earrings this Summer

When it comes to jewellery this summer, everyone’s wearing oversized, statement earrings. Out are the tiny studs, little hoops, and the tiny drop of pearls, replaced with colourful pom-poms, super-long tassels and fun geometric shapes in metallic gold.

And with so many of us on a statement (haha) budget, we can’t really go all out without going bankrupt. So, here’s a round up of my favourites from different (and my favourite) online stores!


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